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Economic Technology: Approaching AI in the Context of Policies and GDPR

Virtual Mobility Grant
Applicant name:
Stanca Liana
Ania Zalewska.jpg
Start date:
End date:
Applicant institution:
Babes-Bolyai University
Purpose of the grant:
This VMG had as a main goal the update of the Stakeholders Engagement Strategy and the report for it. During its implementation, a series of events with the stakeholders were organized, in the form of conferences, workshops or presentations. Additionally, information on the relationship with the stakeholders and their involvement in the Action’s activities was collected from the Action members in order to report the latest activities in this respect and update the former strategy. To support the Action members in future collaboration with the stakeholders, a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Prototype was constructed. One of the latest outputs related to the stakeholders’ engagement was the Techeconomics event, which gathered both national and international stakeholders, from the industry or from the regulators. Among them, we mention Kai Zenner, who gave an insightful update on the AI Act, which is so important in the field of our Action. Discussions with the stakeholders and their involvement in the Action’s activities have played a pivotal role in creating the new Stakeholders Engagement Strategy. The strategy is in continuous development, open for all members of the Action to add input in this respect. One of the notable outputs of the Action following the relationship with the stakeholders is the creation of the first Romanian FinTech Report in 2022, which was afterwards extended in 2023 to Romania and Bulgaria. Increased cooperation will lead to extending the FinTech report to other countries from the Action, in such a way as to create a more complex picture of the European Fintech environment. Additionally, several applications were submitted together with stakeholders, in order to increase the cooperation between academia and the business and regulatory sectors. The laters were also involved in the European survey that we conducted within the Action (coordinated by Maria Moloney) on the topic of GDPR vs. AI.

​COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Action help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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