Susana Aires de Sousa
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law, Pátio da Universidade, 3004-528 Coimbra, Portugal. Email: susanaas@fd.uc.pt
University of Coimbra
Susana Maria Aires de Sousa is Associate Professor at Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Her master dissertation was dedicated to Tax Crimes and her Doctoral dissertation to Criminal Product Liability. The doctoral thesis was awarded with the Best Doctoral Thesis Prize by the Instituto do Conhecimento AB (Portugal). She was also visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University Agostinho Neto - Angola (2014) and at the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (2006-present). Also, as professor of criminal law she has been part of several examining committees of Master and Doctoral thesis. She collaborates with several national and international research groups. She is a member of the Institute for Legal Research of the University of Coimbra and member of the supervisory board of the Institute of Economic and European Criminal Law (University of Coimbra). Since 2020 to 2022 she was Senior Fellow of the Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania). She was visiting scholar of the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, in Freiburg (2003, 2008, 2009). She has published several articles and jurisprudence annotations (+ 100), monographic works (5) and co-edited books (5) in the area of criminal law, economic criminal law and criminal procedural law. She often collaborates with several national and international journals in the criminal area, namely in the peer review of scientific articles. She is also permanent collaborator of the Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal (Portuguese Journal of Criminal Law) and member of the editorial board of the Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais (Brazilian Journal of Criminal Law). She has been invited as key-note speaker in several conferences and seminars, in the scope of law and criminal procedure, in Portugal and abroad. In 2017 she received an Honorable Mention for the relevant services rendered to the science of Law conferred by the Brazilian Bar Association, Section of São Paulo. From September to 2015 she was coordinator for International Relations and Image of FDUC (Sep 2013-2015). From 2015 until September 2018, she served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. She is member of the International Association of Penal Law.
Key Achievements and Outputs
She has published several articles and jurisprudence annotations (+ 100), monographic works (5) and co-edited books (5) in the area of criminal law, economic criminal law and criminal procedural law. The research has had a major impact in the legal field, especially in courts decisions, in the production or revision of legislation, and opening new research topics in the law field, namely coonecting Law and AI. Three of the collective books she has coordinated are in the field of AI: the first in English "AI in the economic sector: prevention and responsibility”, 2022 (open acess); the second on the AI Act and the European regulation of AI, 2023 (open acesss); the third about AI and Law, 2023.
Research Interests
AI and Law; Product Criminal Liability