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Ioana Florina Coita, +40744369226; Office at: Universitatii street, no.1, 410100, Oradea, Romania

FinNex Spinoff/ University of Oradea, Romania; Economic University of Bratislava Slovakia

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Ioana- Florina Coita is a research fellow at University of Sofia `St. Kliment Ohridski`on leveraging AI tools for alternative credit scoring. She is also lecturer in Machine Learning for Finance at Wroclaw University of Economics and University of Oradea. Her scientific background is in quantitative finance, behavioural economics, international taxation and ethics. She is actively involved in knowledge transfer projects from academia to industry on topics like ethical and explainable models for financial risk prediction. In the MSCA Digital project she is involved in the Ethics work package and dissemination team.

Key Achievements and Outputs

winning of several European research grant fellowships, received funding for a startup in tax research, owns a tax consultancy business and executive director of a spinoff out of University of Oradea for AI in research in credit scoring, holds publications in top peer-reviewed journals

Research Interests

behavioural finance, experimental finance, AI for finance, ethics in data modelling, taxation

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