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Alona Klochko

Sumy National Agrarian University

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Professor of the International Relations Chair at the Law faculty of Sumy National Agrarian University, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Sumy, Ukraine). From May, 2022 she worked as a Research Professor and from February, 2023 as a Visiting Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland), from February till July, 2024 as a Legal Researcher at the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva, Switzerland).

In 2012 she defended her Phd thesis in Criminal Law and Criminology, Criminal-executive Law (Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine). Thesis: “Criminological Characteristics of Bank Robberies and Its Prevention by the Organs of Internal Affairs”.
In 2021 she was awarded the title of the Associate Professor of the Chair of Administrative Commercial Law and Financial-Economic Security (Law Faculty, Sumy State University, Ukraine).
In 2020 she defended her thesis for Doctor’s degree in Law (Habilitation), specialty 12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology, Criminal Executive Law. The subject of the doctoral thesis is “Theoretical and Practical Grounds of Counteracting Crime in the Field of Banking in Ukraine” (public presentation at the Institute of State and Law. V.M Koretsky of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv).
In 2021 she was awarded the title of the Professor of the Department of International Relations of Sumy National Agrarian University.
For the several years, she worked as the chief of apparatus of the Sumy District Administrative Court and since 2017 as a head of International Relations Chair at the Law Faculty of Sumy National Agrarian University. The results of the conducted research are highlighted in more than 100 scientific publications indexed by international scientific and metric databases, published in 5 monographs (and sections of collective monographs) devoted to issues of criminalization different fields of the social relations in Ukraine, including economic sector, cybersecurity, land relations, crimes in the office. A significant part of research of a comparative legal nature is devoted to the issues of adaptation of the criminal legislation of Ukraine to the norms of the EU legislation.

Key Achievements and Outputs

publications in the several peer review journals, visiting professor at the university of Neuchatel (Switzerland). cooperation with Ukranian, EU and Swiss universities and NGOs

Research Interests

AI legal regulation, international criminal law, banking criminality

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